Bath's Favourite Trees

Do you have a favourite tree in your neighbourhood or in your local green space?

The Bath Urban Treescape team would like to hear about residents' favourite trees and the stories about why they are special to you.

They plan to find the favourite trees in each ward across the city during 2025 and publish a map of Bath's favourite trees in 2026.

Started in 2022, the Bath Urban Treescape project draws the attention of residents and visitors to the wealth of trees on the streets of the city and encourages them to consider their importance.

Over the last two years the team have published 10 popular tree trails in 8 locations. Thousands of the map leaflets have already been shared at events, leisure & garden centres, doctors' surgeries & parks and have been enjoyed by a wide range of residents and visitors.

The tree trails can be viewed on the website:
The free paper maps are available at Bath Leisure Centre, The Urban Garden and Prior Park Garden Centre cafe.

Fiona Bell, Urban Treescape team member said, “We are often asked when we will produce a tree trail in different council wards. On our reccys we have found many interesting trees which deserve people's attention. To accelerate the involvement of all the Bath council wards we are asking for help from local residents to identify their favourite trees”

People can send their favourite tree nominations and stories to the email address: