Explore the city through its trees
Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage City with six universal values, including the green setting of the city. There are many significant trees—in the parks and in the streets—which contribute indirectly to the World Heritage status and the wellbeing of the community.
Here is our Urban Treescape in digital form, where we share a selection of trees across the city. We invite you to follow our trails and enjoy the shapes and colours of each tree - their flowers, fruits, seeds, leaves and bark—and learn something about each one, while seeing the city from a different perspective.
Bath's Favourite Trees
Do you have a favourite tree in your neighbourhood or in your local green space?
Let us knowBotanical Bounty
Trail a
View Trail A
Explore the trees north of the city centre with Botanical Bounty. This trail takes in the fantastic Royal Victoria Park, its Botanical Gardens and surrounding green spaces. Lots to entertain children on the way.
Start Point:
Finish Point:
1.6 miles (2.6km)
More details about the route
Some gentle, medium and steep slopes. Missing out Cork Oak (A4) and London Plane (A5) would avoid the steepest slopes.
Steps or Stiles:
Steps in The Dell in Royal Victoria Park. To avoid steps, miss out Incense Cedar (A12).
Pavement and unpaved footpath in the Dell
On street parking in Royal Victoria Park. Charlotte Street car park (min 4hrs). Nearest bus stop - bthjgjw, Marlborough Buildings
Charlotte Street car park, below Royal Parade
Convenience store at start/end of the walk on St James Parade
Rest Points:
There are many benches along the route in Royal Victoria Park from the Cork Oak (A4) through to the Cedar of Lebanon (A21)
Wheel Friendly:
Can be if you take a longer route round the back of the Dell to the Incense Cedar (A11)
Royal Victoria Park and, within it, the Botanical Gardens have many unusual and interesting trees. Part of the route follows along the back of the Royal Crescent
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Riverside Ramble
Trail b
View Trail B
The Riverside Ramble takes you through some fine urban trees cutting right through the city centre from west to east. Often overlooked in favour of the buildings, this route highlights some really special trees on the streets.
Start & Finish Point:
1.75 miles (2.8km)
More details about the route
Steps or Stiles:
Steps by both the bridges over the river
Pavement or tarmac path throughout
Kingsmead Square car park or Avon St car park. Nearest bus stop - bthjmdj, James Street West
Seven Dials, Monmouth Street near Kingsmead Sq
Green Park Station, Salvation Army Café, Apex Hotel
Rest Points:
Benches along both stretches of riverside path
Wheel Friendly:
Not for river crossings due to steps
Views of the river, St John's Catholic church, Bath Abbey and Pulteney Bridge
Paper Map PDF:
Treemendous Twerton
Trail c
View Trail C
To take you right out of the city centre to the western edges of the city, Twerton has some Treemendous trees and woodland, and has a more rural feel. The street trees are just as good as any you'll find in the city centre.
Start & Finish Point:
2.5 miles (4km)
More details about the route
Some gentle slopes
Steps or Stiles:
Wooden steps into woodland (you can miss this section out)
Pavement and unpaved footpath through the woods (you can miss this section out)
Bus stop near the start/finish (number 5), bthdmjp, Walwyn Close
Nearest - Bath City Farm and Rose Cottage (when open)
Bath City Farm, Rose Cottage Hub, shops on High Street
Rest Points:
Bench in Carr's Wood
Wheel Friendly:
Can be, if you miss the section into Carr's Wood and continue from the Church along Newton Road
Carr's Wood nature reserve, trees! Close by - Bath City Farm, Innox Park
Paper Map PDF:
Leafy Legacies
Trail d
View Trail D
Back into the city centre, this time travelling north to south. The Leafy Legacies trail takes in the truly iconic trees that are such an important feature of the urban streets.
Start Point:
Finish Point:
1.25 miles (2km)
More details about the route
Some gentle slopes
Steps or Stiles:
Wooden steps by Gravel Walk (there is a longer route via a slope)
Pavement or tarmac path throughout
On street parking in Royal Victoria Park. Charlotte Street car park (min 4hrs). Nearest bus stop - bthjmwa, Milsom Street
Charlotte Street car park, below Royal Parade
Various city centre cafés from Queen Square onwards
Rest Points:
Benches on Royal Avenue, in Queen Square and Abbey Churchyard
Wheel Friendly:
The Circus, Royal Avenue, Queen Square, Pulteney Bridge and Weir
Paper Map PDF:
Rob's Route
Trail e
View Trail E
Start & Finish Point:
3 miles (4.8km)
More details about the route
Short grassy climb out of Moorlands Park. There is a steep uphill from Bear Flat towards Alexandra Park (if going clockwise)
Steps or Stiles:
Narrow kissing gate at Greenway Lane. No steps or stiles
Mix of pavement and parkland
Bus: Bus stops – Bear Flat Stop (bthjgtg) towards city centre, Stop (bthjgwa) from city centre. Parking: The area is within resident permit parking zone, the best parking is Odd Down Park & Ride and take the bus to Bear Flat. There is some parking in Alexandra Park (please check closing time)
Alexandra Park (20p), cafés/bars on Bear Flat
Bear Flat and Wellsway has shops, cafés and bars
Rest Points:
Alexandra Park, Moorlands Park, Bloomfield Green
Play areas at Alexandra Park, Moorlands Park and Bloomfield Green. Beechen Cliff Viewpoint.
Paper Map PDF:
Alice's Arboretum
Trail f
View Trail F
Start & Finish Point:
0.5 mile (0.8km)
More details about the route
Mostly level
Steps or Stiles:
Some gates
Pavement with some grass
Bus: Elm Grove/Gloucester Road (bthmajp); Lambridge stop on London Road (bthmaja) (outbound) Parking: There is a small car park at the main entrance to the park and on street parking outside the park
In the park (20p)
Alice Park Café
Rest Points:
Throughout the park
Wheel Friendly:
All trees except one visible from the wheelchair path
Play area, tennis courts, quiet zone, community garden, skateboarding area
Paper Map PDF:
Alice's Arboretum Family Friendly
Trail f2
View Trail F2
Start & Finish Point:
0.5 mile (0.8km)
More details about the route
Mostly level
Steps or Stiles:
Some gates
Pavement with some grass
Bus: Elm Grove/Gloucester Road (bthmajp); Lambridge stop on London Road (bthmaja) (outbound). Parking: There is a small car park at the main entrance to the park and on street parking outside the park
In the park (20p)
Alice Park Café
Rest Points:
Throughout the park
Wheel Friendly:
All trees except one visible from the wheelchair path
Play area, tennis courts, quiet zone, community garden, skateboarding area
Paper Map PDF:
London Road Loops
Trail g
View Trail G
Start & Finish Point:
2 miles (3.2km)
More details about the route
1st loop: pavement with some steps, 2nd loop: pavement and riverside path – may be muddy. Flooding possible in winter
Bus: London Road outside Morrisons. Parking: Free parking at Morrisons (check permitted time)
Rest Points:
Benches throughout Kensington Meadows
Play area in Kensington Meadows, river, view of Cleveland Pools
Paper Map PDF:
Combe Park Canopy
Trail h
View Trail H
Start & Finish Point:
1 mile (1.6km)
More details about the route
Level pavement, walking surfaces vary (wheelchair accessible if following the recommended route). There are sections through the car parks with no pedestrian pathway. Please take extra care here and avoid during morning and afternoon rush hours, when they are very busy.
Bus: Number 4 bus from city centre. Parking: Public parking at RUH (Gate 1) – pay to park
Inside hospital buildings
Public café in main hospital lobby, Friends of the RUH café @ B18; Weston village has shops and cafés
Rest Points:
Around the car park
Paper Map PDF:
Royal United Hospital ReMind UK
Trail h2
View Trail H2
Start & Finish Point:
0.12 mile (0.2km)
More details about the route
Mostly level pavements with kerbs, walking surfaces vary. There are sections through the car parks with no pedestrian pathway. Please take extra care here and avoid during morning and afternoon rush hours, when they are very busy.
Bus: Number 4 bus from city centre. Parking: Public parking at RUH (Gate 1) – pay to park
Inside hospital buildings
Public café in main hospital lobby, Friends of the RUH café @ B18; Weston village has shops and cafés
Rest Points:
Around the car park
Paper Map PDF: